Inclement Weather Information

If a decision is made to delay opening or close due to inclement weather, Federal employees can call (501) 301-3111 to check the open/close status during inclement weather. 


This is the one-stop shop for the Little Rock District's inclement weather information. Employees should take the following steps when inclement weather hits the Little Rock District area:


At Hoc – This is the primary Emergency Notification System for Little Rock District employees. The system includes voice, text and email notifications. To add your name and contact information to the system, please select the “Emergency Notification System” tab on the Intranet homepage and follow the instructions.


* Federal employees working in the Little Rock Federal Building can call (501) 301-3111 to check the open/close status during inclement weather. This number should be able to handle the large volume of calls without a busy signal.


** Employees should be aware that local television and radio stations’ announcements are not always complete. It is up to employees to verify media announcements through their chain of command or through other means described in this section.


* All employees with approved telework agreements are expected to telework from home if their office is closed or delayed reporting is authorized unless the employee has leave scheduled or elects to take leave under a liberal leave announcement. 


* If the decision is made to operate as “open,” all employees are expected to report for work.  Employees should use common sense in determining whether you can safely commute to the office and coordinate directly with your supervisor.


* The District field offices each have their own procedure and authority to deal with inclement weather.


* As a public service agency, we will do everything possible to remain open for business while allowing employees the flexibility to be safe or prudent.


For more weather related info click on the links below.