US Army Corps of Engineers
Little Rock District Website

Six Mile Diversion Levee Restoration Information

Background: The Six Mile Diversion Levee was damaged during the May/June 2019 Arkansas River Flood Event. Six mile Levee is part of the McLean Bottom levee system.  This section of the levee is USACE Federally Constructed and USACE Federally Operated. The Six Mile Levee is not part of the USACE Levee Rehabilitation and Inspection Program.

The McLean Bottom Levee system is divided into three segments:

  • Six Mile Diversion Levee (USACE operated and maintained)
  • McLean Bottom Levee District No. 3 (Locally operated and maintained by the McLean Bottom Levee District No. 3)
  • McLean Bottom Levee and Pumping Station (USACE operated and maintained)

Levee overtopping resulted in one breach and three slides, as well as extensive damage to the vegetation on the levee.

National Levee Database Information:

Current Action:  Repairs to breach at 5th Street and adjacent slide continue, design for other damaged areas continue. Flood Supplemental funding has been received to begin work on the Six Mile Diversion Levee repair project.  The purpose of this rehabilitation project is to repair this section of the levee system and the associated pump station to its authorized level of flood risk management.

Status Update

21 August 2020 - Levee crest and roadway repair continue

15 June 2020 - Breach and slide repair complete

30 April 2020 - Final repair design plans complete (BCOES Certification)

31 March 2020 - Contract award for final repair

16 March 2020 - Repairs to breach at 5th Street and adjacent slide continue, design for other damaged areas continue.

27 February 2020 - Final repairs to breach at 5th Street and adjacent slide begin.

10 February 2020 - Design for final repairs of breach and levee complete. Contract with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for final repairs to breach at 5th Street and adjacent slide to originally designed level of protection. Design work continues on additional damage.

07 January 2020 – Temporary setback levee construction completed. The setback levee will provide a minimal level of protection until the final repair is completed.

20 December 2019 – USACE inspection of levee completed.

09 December 2019 - Contractor onsite, construction of 25 year protection begins to place a temporary setback levee around the breached area.

 5 December 2019 - Contract with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for initial repairs to breach at 5th Street.  Initial repair provides a 25 year protection level of protection.

 28 October 2019 – First Quarter Flood Supplemental funds received.

17 June 2019 – An initial site damage assessment was completed by the USACE Little Rock District (SWL) team.  From this initial assessment, the team has determined that there were damages to the levee system that are eligible for repair.

Six Mile Diversion Levee

Six Mile Diversion Levee Map