What is your official job title?
Environmental Branch Chief, Planning and Environmental Division, Little Rock District.
When did you graduate from LDP III?
March 2011
How has this program assisted you with career progression?
The LDP has helped me to become a better leader by exposing me to so many diverse situations, even those that have pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I feel I am a more well-rounded Corps employee and a prepared leader by going through the unique experiences of the program.
Is there a specific lesson learned from the course that you apply daily or to each project you work on?
I wouldn't say just one specific lesson. With each progressing level I learned about different aspects of the Corps that helped me understand the "big picture," also what it takes to stay focused in order to achieve individual goals.
What are your future goals in the Corps?
I’m currently the Project Manager for the Table Rock Lake Master Plan Revision; it's been 30-plus years since it was updated. We have new Corps guidance for master plan revisions, and there’s high public interest. This is a recipe for a true challenge where the skills I acquired by going through the LDP will continue to come into play as we complete the master plan revision.
What did you like the most about the program?
Meeting new people and establishing friendships across the region. Going through the program helped me establish a network of lifelines throughout the region and people I can call upon when I need help. That is an invaluable resource to me.
Has the LDP program helped you outside of the Corps?
The LDP program helped me grow as a person, which has helped me in every aspect of my life. One of the skills the program can teach you is to think strategically, to think about short-term/long-term impacts, and how those impacts affect what you want in the final outcome.
Do you want to add anything else?
I encourage people to participate in the program and would stress to the regions' senior leadership the importance of keeping the program viable, even during times of uncertainty and fiscal constraint. It is through programs like this that we “build the bench” and ensure the legacy of the Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division continues.