LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District is suspending shoreline activity requests beginning May 17 for Lake Dardanelle to establish a baseline for officials to use while revising the 40-year-old McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System Master Plan. New shoreline activity requests will not be accepted during the master plan revision and all zoning and shoreline management regulations will remain in effect until
the plan is complete.
Renewals for existing permits will continue to take place on a case by case basis. Dock modifications can only be made to correct deficiencies noted in the renewal process.
USACE master plans are used to guide all use and development of a project’s federal public lands and waters for environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes. Throughout its life, shoreline management plans establish policy and furnish guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the shoreline while maintaining a balance between public and private
shoreline use.
The Lake Dardanelle SMP will not be reviewed or updated until the MKARNS master plan revision is complete.
Due to the evolving federal, state and local policies designed to address the spread of COVID-19, USACE will not hold traditional public scoping workshops at this time for the master plan update. A virtual scoping phase will take place to gather public comments to let USACE know how you would like to see the MKARNS managed for the future. Anyone with an interest in the future management of the MKARNS is encouraged to participate.
Additional information about the scoping phase and comment period will be announced later.
Recreation information can be found on the Internet at, on Facebook at and on Twitter at
Release no. 21-042